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St James' C of E School home page

Who's Who

Senior Leadership Team

Mrs A Jackson- Executive Headteacher. Safeguarding Lead. 

Mrs C Ratcliffe – Deputy Head teacher. Curriculum Lead. PE and Science Lead. Pupil Premium Lead.

Miss G Gaskell- Assistant Head teacher. SENDCo.

Mr D Smith- EYFS Lead. 

Mrs T Gaffney – Learning Mentor. Deputy DSL.

Mrs S Lowe- School Business Manager 


Teaching Staff

Mr D Smith – Reception

Miss H Burrows– Y1

Miss M Singletary – Y2

Mrs A Green – Y3

Miss L Barnard -Y4

Mr R Ashton – Y5

Mr J Croston – Y6

Mrs L Lambert– Nursery Manager

Mrs A Mitchell-Downs – Pre-school manager


Support Staff

Miss M Richardson – Administration Officer


Mrs L Webster- Teacher

Miss S Quinn- Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Miss Z Birmingham- Learning Mentor

Miss R Matthews- Shell's Provision 


Teaching Assistants

Miss B Langley

Miss E  Tsouris

Mrs L Reeman

Mrs S Worrall

Miss D Major

Mrs H Sharif

Mrs M Greenall

Mrs D Chapman

Miss J Lewis

Mrs L Lamprell 

Mr B Brown 

Miss N O'Grady

Mr R Midgley

Mrs L Tranter



Mrs J Bannister – Caretaker


Mr J Thornton/ Mrs L Ryder – Chair of Governors


St James' C of E School logo

Contact Us

Saint James’ Church of England Primary School, Tyrer Avenue, Wigan, WN3 5XE

Telephone: 01942 703 952
